Cigar Gifts: Your Brief Guide to Gifting Cigars
Looking for a great handpicked cigar to give as a gift for any occasion?
Cigars are the ultimate luxury gifts you can give to the cigar connoisseur in your life. If you know cigar lovers, you need to know how to go about selecting one and buying one to impress them.
Otherwise, you run the risk of getting them something uninteresting and useless. But how do you find the perfect cigar gifts for others?
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about buying the perfect cigars for all occasions.
Milder Flavor Cigar
Popular milder-flavored cigar brands include Macanudo, Arturo Fuente, and La Gloria Cubana. Bundles of these cigars are usually a great choice for gifting since they offer variety at a lower price point.
Cigar samplers are also a great choice for gifting mild cigars. Samplers are grouping many mild cigars from one producer, allowing your current recipient to try a range of flavors.
Intense Blended Cigar
Intense Blend Cigars offer a full-bodied flavor, making them the perfect gift for any cigar enthusiast. The unique blend of Cuban, Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobacco gives it a robust flavor.
This can please even the most discerning of smoker’s pallets. While the intensity of the blend is sure to please, the price is also extremely reasonable.
Size of Cigar
Robusto offers a short, quick smoke whereas a Churchill provides a longer, smoother experience. Miniatures and Cigarillos are ideal for individuals who prefer a short smoke and want to enjoy it quickly.
These small cigars range from 3 to 4 inches, providing them with a pleasant experience. Corona is also a popular size, ranging from 5 to 6 inches in length.
If the recipient enjoys a long smoke, a Toro, which is 6 into 6 1/2”, is a great choice. The torpedo is even longer at 7 inches and offers a fuller, more robust smoke.
Essential Cigar Accessories
Cigar enthusiasts will usually appreciate a fresh starter kit with a humidor, lighter, and cutter. A cigar aficionado in your life will especially appreciate a humidor.
This will keep their best cigars fresh and flavorful, and a cutter will be required to guarantee even smoking. Consider opting for higher-quality lighters that can help you get the perfect light every single time.
There are many types of cutters available ranging in style, size, and design to suit every personality. If the cigar smoker in your life wants to take their cigars on the go, then cases are the perfect gift.
Price Points for Different Types of Cigar Gifts
Mild to medium-bodied cigars are typically priced between $4 and $12 per stick. Cigars with a medium to full body range in price from $14 to $30 per stick.
The best cigars under $20 can satisfy all budgets and smoking preferences. High-end cigars tend to cost $30 and above, with some premium brands costing over $50 per stick.
As a gift, it is best to keep the price range at the lower end of the spectrum as a friendly gesture. If you’re gifting multiple cigars, consider package deals such as humidor sets or samplers.
Learning Cigar Gifts Option
Cigars make a great gift for a wide range of occasions. If you are gifting cigars, it is best to take into consideration their tastes and preferences.
You will undoubtedly create enduring delight by deciding to give cigar gifts! So why not give it a try and show someone how much you care?